기업 소개
TheLittleCat Co., Ltd
The company has concluded a $4 million LOI during CES 2019 after unveiling this product.
구매하러 가기
  • 소재지
    Business Incubation Center #102, 46, Hanseo 1-ro, Haemi-myeon, Seosan-si, Chungcheongnam-do
  • 홈페이지
  • 연락처
  • 이메일

TheLittleCat Co., Ltd

CAT Planet B612

“B612 Cat Planet” is inspired by B612 planet from Le Petit Prince.
It gives cats the pleasure of exercising by themselves.
At the same time, they can learn to communicate with their owners while exercising.

제품 특장점
  • 1
    You can adjust the LED light in the cat wheel and check the amount of exercise and calories burned via the app
  • 2
    Safe from environmental hormones, with ABS non-toxic plastic and a Kolon inner mat
  • 3
    Plastic material and German bearings minimize noise